Had so much fun todayyyy!! :D and celine and jake made up....FINALLY. Gah i'm laughing at things i shouldn't be laughing at :)). Must go to sleep soon too. Oh yeah, I'm reading a new book now but i haven't started on it. It's an old book but it's a good one according to everyone who's read it and according to all the critics. It's also by Paulo Coelho and it's entitled The Alchemist.
Don't you just find the word alchemy, or anything that has to do anything with it, interesting? I've always had an eye for enigmatic things. Makes me curious that it hurts my head thinking about something so much.
I feel bored and all that right now. I want my friends to be with me right now. I want my honey-bunny (omg never thought i'd use that...i really am hyper -.-) to be with me right now. I MISSS YOUUUUU.
Oh yeah, we also had an UPCAT simulation test and my brain asdgjha;fj;asoidjf after the test :)). Hope i pass it though haha. I feel so happy today and i dont know why. I guess it's cause i forgot my personal history which was something that was limiting me to pursue true happiness. I won't worry about that anymore like i used to. The Zahir taught me so much and now it's taking me to my path of happiness (at least i think it is). Ok, i just realized that from a laughable blog it suddenly became serious. Anyway, from now on, i want to know true freedom. Freedom of being the person we really want to be. I will not lose to the "acomodador" (according to the book, the acomodador came from a Mexican book and it is called the "giving up point"). The acomodador is the only thing that stands between us to fulfill our freedom and happiness, and the point where we say the words "I could've done that anytime I wanted to." but then never really doing it. And then deep down, we have this sadness but then we say that we should just take in everything that is here now. But why do that when you can just go and fulfill what would make us happy? Human beings are so stupid sometimes. I myself can be stupid. But it's true that people should have the word "stupid" imprinted on their identification cards so that we'd be able to separate the stupid from the so-called smart ones. But the world would be in a standstill if there were no stupid people.
I've decided to not give in to the acomodador. I will do everything i want to because as they say, "if there is will power, there is a way." People who say that they couldn't get what they want just cause they chose not to are the type who have a certain sadness that they will never be able to get rid of until they do what they really want to. I will not submit to mediocrity. I will be someone who is able to say, "I am happy", who gives substantial and true meaning to those words. I will pursue my volitions and make sure that i fulfill them. I will not succumb to being unhappy.
Today is a happy day. I will never forget this karaoke night. I will be happy from now on and be free; free from regrets, free from the acomodador, free from low self-esteem, free from my personal history, and free from my unhappiness. I will be happy. I know i can. I know i will succeed for i am a bright person who knows right from wrong. And i know that God and all who i love and love me are by my side.
~living life in love <3 -Talia-~