You are my best friend and the person just for me, as i'd like to call you. I remember that years ago, out of loneliness, i'd write songs, poems, love letters and all that to someone imaginary. It made me feel like i was in love, but i had no one to love, rather, i had no one who loved me so. The feelings i wrote down on scratch paper were feelings i have never felt but wanted to feel. And now that all those scratch papers are gone, i now write genuine feelings on clean paper for someone i now share my life with, for someone i have those feelings i've once dreamt to have. All i've ever wanted was to learn to love and to be loved in return. It was a dream that i thought was distant. I've never fallen in love with someone as much as Nigel had me do so. Even my love for him surpassed that of someone i had fallen in love with in the past. I don't regret choosing Nigel and i don't think i ever will. I am happy beyond all reason, and nothing can break this apart, i refuse anything to break this apart. I will protect it with the all the love and care i have until there is none left to give. I hope this relationship never ends and that our love remain true and sincere all the days of our lives. I love you Nigel, happy monthsary :)
i hope for many more happy years to come for the two of us always laughing and loving...I LOVE YOU HONEY :)

~living life in love <3 -Talia-~
You guys are so sweet. Haha. Hi Tal.
hey esther :D