We went karaoke-ing again and HAD SO MUCH FUN :D. We sang like crazy, my voice cracked :| :)). Drei's did too =)). Drei, this is your special blog entry and your birthday gift for now (i still owe you one).
Drei is not your average pimp. He's the "Pimp Cool Daddy McSmooth" pimp. KEDDENG :D. This guy is one hell of a funny guy. He's the life of the party. But at the same time, he's a really nice guy. There's so much more than what meets the eye if you get to know him well. Currently, he's married to two people, Wife one: Micky Martinez; Wife two: Miggy Valdez; but don't forget, he also has a mistress named Anton Neric. Yes, ALL MEN =)). These group of insanely ingenious, smart, funny guys are the type of people you'd love to hang out with. They're the people who bring the life to any kind of occasion. And at the same time, they're the type of friends who you'd really be thankful for. I cherrish Drei, and all of the bros as well. You guys are all family to me. And Drei, on this special day, I hope you are happy :). And that your wishes and our wishes for you come true. Never lose hope or faith and never think low of yourself, for you are a great person. You are a great friend and brother and best friend. So never think so low of yourself for many think highly of you. Don't limit yourself for you can achieve great things. And remember, you are more than you think you are. Be more confident :). People would love you for who you are as i do. I love you bro :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! >:D<
To Drei. Best wishes on your birthday. Always take care and God bless. Always believe in the Lord and you will be fine. I'm always here for you so don't have any second thoughts about coming to me when you need anything. I'm always here for you. Labshooooo MWAHUGS :P
~living life in love <3-Talia-~
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